Where’s the Math?: Books, Games, and Routines to Spark Children's Thinking (2019)
by Mary Hynes-Berry (Author), Laura Grandau (Author)
“Over the past two decades, a quiet revolution in developmental psychology and related fields has demonstrated that children have skills and concepts relevant to mathematics learning that are present early in life, and that most children enter school with a wealth of knowledge and cognitive skills that can provide a foundation for mathematics learning. At the same time, these foundational skills are not enough- children need rich mathematical interactions, both at home and at school in order to be well prepared for the challenges they will meet in elementary school and beyond.”
The early years significantly affect mathematics learning and attitudes. (NAEYC & NCTM, 2002)
Students entering Kindergarten with a strong foundation in math were more likely to be successful students.
A strong foundation in math before Kindergarten entry was the strongest predictor of math achievement and reading ability. (Duncan et al., 2007)
Students with strong kindergarten math skills had better social skills- less physical aggression, better attention, less anxiety/depression, and less hyperactivity/impulsivity in third grade. (Romano, Babchishin, Pagani, & Kohen, 2010)
Children with early mathematical abilities were found to have more creative accomplishments and leadership roles in adulthood (Lubinski, Benbow, & Kell, 2014).
American students achieve in mathematics at a mediocre level by comparison to peers worldwide. (National Mathematics Advisory Panel, 2008)
There are large, persistent disparities in mathematics achievement related to race and income (National Mathematics Advisory Panel, 2008)
Children who enter kindergarten with fewer math skills typically do not catch up, and those same children continue to lag behind their better prepared peers into 8th grade (Schoenfeld & Stipek, 2011).
Adults lack confidence in teaching math due to personal insecurities about math, a misconception that math learning occurs naturally through play, a lack of overall math knowledge and limited resources for teaching. (NAEYC & NCTM, 2002)
National Association for the Education of the Young Child & National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2002
National Research Council, 2009
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2013
"Early childhood educators should actively introduce mathematical concepts, methods, and language through a variety of appropriate experiences and research-based teaching strategies. Teachers should guide children in seeing connections of ideas within mathematics as well as with other subjects, developing their mathematical knowledge throughout the day and across the curriculum. They must encourage children to communicate, explaining their thinking as they interact with important mathematics in deep and sustained ways."
Standards and Publications:
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Natural Materials Resources:
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Resources for effective teaching :
Stewart-Henry, K. and Friesen, A. (2018). Promoting powerful interactions between parents and children. Teaching Young Children. 11(5), 24-27.
Open-ended Questions:
Strasser, J. (2018). Conversations with children! Questions that spark conversations and deepen understanding open-ended questions. Teaching Young Children. 11(4).
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